Spotted Hyena Facts

Spotted Hyena Facts
1. Spotted hyenas are found in the grasslands of sub-Saharan Africa and the forests of the Congo Basin.

2. Spotted hyenas are 47-55 inches (119-140 cm) in length.

3. They weigh from 110-176 pounds (50-79 kg); females are larger than males.

4. Stand between 27-35 inches (69-89 cm) at the shoulder.

5. They have yellowish-brown fur with irregular oval spots and a bushy tail.

6. They have large ears and eyes with a short erectile mane on their neck.

7. They have thick muzzles with short, powerful jaws and teeth.

8. Spotted hyena are top predators but are occasionally preyed on by lions or leopards.

9. Spotted hyenas live in female dominated groups called clans consisting of 30-40 individuals. The females in the group are related to each other but the males are unrelated. Females stay with their natal clan for life. Males disperse when they reach adulthood and join nomadic groups before settling in with a new clan. There is a separate dominance hierarchy for each sex. The highest ranking female and her descendents are dominant over all other members of the group.

10. Spotted hyenas have massive heads with powerful jaws and specialized teeth that can bite through bone. Their efficient digestive system allows spotted hyenas to break down entire carcasses including skin, hooves, ligaments, horns, hair and bones. Any parts that are not fully digested are regurgitated in pellets (somewhat like owl pellets).

11. Spotted hyenas use a variety of communication techniques. Vocal communication includes whoops, yells, howls, cackles and some sounds inaudible to humans. Some of their vocalizations are loud enough to be heard several miles away. Communication also includes nonverbal behaviors such as body postures. A tail carried up high or over the back indicates a high level of social excitement. Tails down or between the legs communicates subservience or fear. Hyenas also use urine and feces to mark their territory boundaries.

12. Although hyenas have a reputation as scavengers, studies indicate that they kill up to 95% of their prey. Lions often intimidate hyenas into relinquishing a kill so it is actually lions that are more frequently the scavengers! If prey is not abundant in an area, spotted hyenas will scavenge more often. Although a single hyena can catch medium sized prey up to 40 pounds without difficulty, cooperative hunting by groups of 10-15 hyenas can catch larger animals such as zebra.

13. Spotted hyenas can eat up to 35 pounds of meat at a single feeding.

14. Spotted hyenas are the largest of the four species of hyena.

15. External genitalia of females so closely resembles that of males that a blood test is needed to verify the sex of a hyena.

16. They are sometimes called “laughing hyenas” due to the unusual “cackle” sound, which is unique to spotted hyena.

17. Spotted Hyena are carnivores and although they scavenge off other predators such as lion, wild dogs, leopards etc they are in fact superb hunters. They prey on animals several times their size, including gazelles, antelopes, wildebeests, zebras and even the young of giraffe, hippos, and rhino, as well as reptiles & domestic livestock.

18. The hunting success rate as a clan can be up to 74% compared to hunting alone with a success rate of only 15%.

19. Group Structure: Hyenas live in clans of as many as 80 members, ruled by a dominant (alpha/matriach) female. Daughters inherit their mothers' status. Males are submissive to all females and to the dominant female's offspring.

20. Reproduction: Breeding occurs once a year with the alpha female having a gestation period of 120 days and then giving birth to 1 or 2 cubs that are totally black in colour.

21. The Spotted Hyena female has genital organs that resemble that of the male thus making these animals hard to sex at first glance.

22. Lifespan: 25 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity.

23. Spotted Hyena are the largest species of Hyena and commonly known as “Laughing Hyena” because of their high pitched cackling laugh when they are excited.

24. The massive powerful jaws can crush bones, teeth, hooves and horns and can exert pressures of up to 800kg per sq inch.

25. Spotted Hyena are responsible for EATING (Not Killing) more people than any other predator in Africa every year.

26. They predominately scavenge or hunt at night but have been seen on the prowl at dusk and dawn.

27. The Spotted Hyena is more closely related to cats than dogs.

28. Hyenas may reach speed of up to 40 mph and can run for long distances without tiring.


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