Many uses of jackfruit

Many uses of jackfruit
The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a species of tree in the Artocarpus genus of the mulberry family (Moraceae). Jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world, reaching 80 pounds in weight and up to 36 inches long and 20 inches in diameter. 

Jack fruit has many uses. Mature jack fruit can be prepared as a vegetable by boiling or cooking. Ripe jack fruit is a very popular fruit.  Both young jack fruit, as well as jack fruit seeds are prepared as a vegetable, while jack fruit seeds are also cooked to produce a delicious traditionaldish. Its many uses have been summarized below.
1. As a nutritious food – Mature jack fruit, young jack fruit and the jack fruit seeds provide high nutrition value food sources.
2. Fruit – ripe jack fruit is a popular fruit.
3. Value added processed food – dehydrated jack fruit, canned/bottled jack fruit, chips and other snacks based on jack fruit.
4. Timber – Jack fruit tree provides an excellent medium hardwood timber that shows termite resistance. This timber is widely used for making furniture, doors, windows & musical instruments.
5. Firewood – branches are used as firewood
6. Ecological and environmental use – Provides perennial cover, reducing the impact of rain drops and provides shade and serves as a wind break.
7. Medicinal value - various parts of the tree and the fruit are used in traditional medicine in many south east Asian countries.
8. Cultural value - Chips of heartwood when boiled yield yellow dye, used to color the robes of Buddhist monks. People of Hindu communities use leaves to decorate temples and other places of worship.


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