How To Increase Your I.Q

How To Increase Your I.Q
Curious about your IQ or intelligence quotient?  There are so many different IQ tests that you can take online. They shall provide you with varying questions and some really takes too hard to answer while some are just easy and comprehensible. Have you ever wondered where this IQ thing originated? Well, to give you an idea, the “IQ” term was coined during 1912 by William Stern, a German psychologist. This was formulated as a method to measure children’s’ intelligence.

You may not realize it that much but IQ is very vital both on a personal and professional standpoint. When it comes to the process of recruitment of companies, your IQ definitely can play an advantageous part when you apply. The higher your IQ level, the better the chance for you to answer random questions and analyze different situations. There are different practices that you can do in order to stretch your mental muscles.
Below are some techniques to help increase you’re I.Q:

1. Education is Key. If you are still studying, make sure that you get the best education that you can have. If not, then try to develop different hobbies that you can do daily to flex your mind. Solve logic problems, crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. Learning each day even just a single new thing can be vital to widen your knowledge.

2. Watch What You Eat. You might think about how does eating affect my IQ? Well, the answer is that if you maintain a balanced diet, your brain chemistry becomes more stabilized and you will be able to think in a more efficient manner. It has been said that there are some foods that can help increase brain wave speed. Eat on a regular basis; it keeps your mind active.

3. Don’t Drink Too Much Alcohol. Dying brain cells can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. When these brain cells die, they shall never grow back. If you need to watch what you eat, you also need to watch what you drink. Keep in mind that your brain functions much better when you are on the right state of mind.

4. Classical Music. Different studies have indicated that listening to classical music can help improve the brain’s spatial IQ. Though this is still controversial, listening to this type of music won’t make you stupid as well. It can probably help in providing a relaxed atmosphere for your brain.

5. Sleep Appropriately. Provide your brain with 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. It can help the brain become more organized. The brain is more active when asleep, according to studies, it processes short-term memories and files them for long term storage.

6. Challenge Your Mind. Try to regularly test yourself by solving different situations. Ask “what if?” Be more curious and more analytical of everything that you do. This can assist in turning your lazy mind into a more active one. The more it is active, the more you can handle and find solutions on different questions or situations.

7.  Write .When you write down your thoughts, it can be a great tool for you to reflect and make decisions. Some people use journals to write down their thoughts, others have simple notepads or notebooks. Simply writing what you think and feel can help you have a new perspective when you go back and read those words.

8.  Meditate .As already stated, you can significantly boost your IQ through meditation. It may not seem logical, that you could boost your IQ by thinking about nothing at all, but it does help you bridge a connection from your conscious to your subconscious mind. And the subconscious stores every bit of data of our lives. Nothing is lost to the subconscious.

9.  Be active .If you’re not already active, start a regular exercise routine. Having a healthy body also affects the mind.

10. Have Hobbies .Have a regular routine of doing things you love to do, whether it’s fishing, bowling, bicycling, knitting, or reading a mystery novel. The more fun and passion you experience, the easier it will be to process and assimilate new information.

These techniques can definitely help you boost your IQ, no matter who you are. 


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