Interesting Cat Facts

Interesting  Cat Facts
1. FELIS CATUS - that’s the scientific name for a cat that lives in our houses.

2. Most pet cats weigh between 2.5 - 7 kilograms (if your cat is too heavy it might need to go on a diet) .

3. A cat uses its whiskers to measure how wide an opening is - that way they can work out if they can fit into spaces .

4. Chocolate can make your cat very sick .

5. Cats use their tail to keep their balance .

6. A cat’s body temperature is normally around 37.9º Celsius when they are healthy .

7. Cats use body language to tell you how they are feeling ..

8. Cats have 32 muscles in each ear so they can listen in all directions .

9. Cats have protractible claws - this means their claws can come in and out of their toe pads .

10. SNIFF SNIFF - Cats have a very strong sense of smell (about 14 times stronger than a human) .

11. YAWN! Cats sleep for around 14 hours each day .

12. A cat’s tongue has special hooks on it (that’s why they feel very rough if you ever touch your cat’s tongue). The hooks help them to clean their fur.

13. Black cats don’t really bring bad luck and they are kind of cool.

14. Cats sweat through their nose and their paws.


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