Fascinating Facts about cockroaches

Fascinating Facts about cockroaches
1. In Australia there is an annual Cockroach Racing Championship. The winning roach scoops a top prize of $500.

2. A cockroach has at least 18 knees!

3. It can live for a month without a head!

4. Female cockroaches are larger than males because they produce and carry their eggs.

5. A lobster is often called the cockroach of the sea since it is a scavenger.

6. Cockroaches are among the most common insects. Based on fossil evidence, cockroaches are known to have been present on Earth for over 300 million years.

7. Cockroaches even live in the walls of clean homes; they just have larger colonies in less clean homes due to a bigger food supply available.

8. Cockroaches can live a month without food, but only a week without water.

9. A cockroach can live a week without a head. It dies after a week due to lack of water.

10. Cockroaches love onions.

11. Laboratory female cockroaches are able to reproduce without aid of a male. They produce all female offspring.

12. Cockroaches thrive in all conditions and live in the desert as well as the arctic.

13. Cockroaches do not have eyes in the back of their head. They do however have tiny little hairs that gauge the air movement around them, and so they can feel your presence from behind.

14. Cockroaches eat meat; they are omnivores, so they will eat just about anything including dead animals.

15. A cockroach can hold it's breath for up to 40 minutes.

16. There are approximately 3500 different species of cockroach worldwide.

17. Cockroaches get their name from the Spanish word “Cucaracha” , which means “CrazyBug”!

18. Cockroaches like warm homes, but some have been found at the North and South Poles Cthey

19. were brought there by people accidentally, and live in man made shelters.

20. Cockroaches use their antennae, or feelers,to taste,smell,feel, and detect moisture.

21. When cockroaches are chewing, their jaws move from side to side, instead of up and down like ours!

22. Cockroaches use mouth parts called palpi to taste food without eating it so if a cockroach finds poison, it can taste that it’s dangerous without having to take a bite!

23. Cockroaches can run up to three miles an hour!

24. Cockroach brains are spread through out their bodies. If it gets it’s head cut off, it can live for upto a week! It will only die because  it can’t eat or drink.

25. Cockroaches breathe through spiracles, tiny holes in their abdomens. Madagascar hissing cockroaches make their hissing noise by forcing air out through them.

26. Cockroaches can run up to three miles an hour! They have six legs, and each leg has three knees! Their knees are very sensitive, and they can use them to sense when a predator is coming, even another insect!

27. Once a female cockroach has mated, she stays fertilized for life, and can keep having babies without the help of a male.

28. A female lays an egg sac called an ootheca. It can contain eggs for 15 to 50 baby cockroaches. The eggs develop inside the ootheca for 1-3 months, then it splits open and out they come!

29. Baby cockroaches are called nymphs.

30. When a cockroach outgrows it’s skin, it molts the skin splits open and it crawls out.

31 . Madagascar hissing cockroaches will look white after they molt, until their new skin hardens and turns brown.

32. Cockroaches’ favorite food is white bread and potatoes.


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