World Environment Day 2013

World Environment Day 2013
World Environment Day (WED) is observed on June 5 every year and it was on this day in the year 1972 that the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was formed. It is also on the same day, that the General Assembly created the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which is now the United Nations’ principal  agency for environmental action. First celebrated in 1973, World Environment Day, also popularly known as Environment Day, is a means to tackle environmental challenges that include climate change,  desertification, global warming, disasters and conflicts, harmful substances, environmental governance, ecosystem management, resource efficiency, etc.

WED is one of the practical channels through which  the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances both individual and political attention and action.

Though WED is celebrated throughout the world, the main event is hosted by a single particular country every year. The annual event has a different theme every time and is celebrated along with an international exposition in the week following WED.

This year, the global host of WED is Mongolia and the theme is "Think. Eat. Save: Reduce Your Foodprint". This year's theme is directed towards raising awareness about the issue of food wastage and loss.


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