1. If you try to stop yourself throwing up by closing your mouth, the vomit comes out your nose instead.

2. Horses and rats can't vomit.

3. Each foot releases nearly a cupful of sweat every day. If only you could bottle it.

4. Americans call “bogeys” “boogers”

5. The loudest burp recorded (so far) was 107.1 decibels - that’s louder than the sound of a drill breaking up concrete!

6. When you sneeze, the air coming out of your nose and mouth travels at 100 miles per hour-even faster than cars on a motorway.

7. Did you know that you produce more than a litre of saliva every day?

8. Your nose also makes about a litre of slimy glop each day - called mucus.   And most of it, you swallow. Eeew!

9. On a normal day, you produce about half a litre of sweat. But if it’s hot and you do lots of exercise, you could produce up to seven litres. That’s three and a half big bottles of fizzywizz!

10. The sweatiest part of your body isn’t your armpits or your feet - it’s the palms of your hands.

11. What’s in a bogey ? Dried mucus mixed with dust and dirt-with a few bugs to add extra flavour!

12. Can you believe it? You’ll spend three years of your life on the toilet.

13. You produce about 45,000 litres of urine in a lifetime-enough to fill 450 baths.

14. Romans used to brush their teeth with urine.

15. Ever tried beetroot? If you eat too much of it, your wee will turn pink!

16. When an astronaut spacewalks on the moon, he wears something called a Maximum Absorption Garment. Sounds grand but it’s really a man-sized nappy.

17. Long ago in the Fourteenth Century, it wasn’t cool to wash, so people sprayed on lots of perfume to cover their stinky smell instead.

18. When you die, your skin shrinks and this makes your nails and hair look as though they’re still growing. scary!

19. Ancient Egyptians used to cut open a dead body, remove the insides and place them  in a jar next to the coffin. Then they made a mummy by bandaging the body up in  strips of linen.

20. Whenever you talk or chew, little clumps of earwax fall out of your ears. Luckily, they are too small to see.


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