Split Apple Rock NZ

Split Apple Rock NZ
 120 million years old granite, Split Apple Rock.. 
The interesting formation of the famous Split Apple Rock on the South Island of New Zealand looks exactly as the name suggests. Split Apple Rock is located at Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand. It is a granite rock shaped like a circle that was split in half. Scientist say that it was split in half when water seeped in a crack and then later froze. When it froze, it expanded causing the rock to split. But local legends say that Zeus and Poseidon split it in half while fighting over Dione.

 Split Apple Rock! This amazing rock formation was made when feldspar, quartz, mica, etc. where melted together and then cooled. Once cooled it formed the most awesome rock formation ever.

Image source:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split_Apple_Rock


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