International Women's Day (IWD)

International Women's Day (IWD)
International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. In some countries like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, IWD is a national holiday. IWD was first declared in 1910 with the first event held in 1911.

The challenge for this year is to make the women of past proud, the women of current inspired, and the women of the future envisioned. Women have made great strides in equality yet there is still a great deal to be achieved. The IWD will provide a unique and global opportunity to reignite, inspire and channel +women's equality for the future.

It is a day in which women from around the world unite in thoughts,prayers, struggles, hopes and dreams. Women’s accomplishments in education,business, science, art, medicine, public service, athletics, and every other field have made our world better and stronger.

Today we honor: 

1. the women of the past: those who stood up for change and fought for the rights that we live and enjoy today;

2 the women of the present: those who are in this room today and those women around the world who use their voice to help make our world a better place for women; and the

3. women of the future:  those who will continue to champion women’s voices, to break barriers and keep visible women’s achievements and plights.

Celebrated annually on 8 March, the 2014 theme for International Women’s Day is: “Equality for women is progress for all”. Happy women's day.


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