Cheetah Facts

Cheetah Facts
1. Cheetah’s once lived throughout Asia, North Africa and India. But today they are only commonly found in sub-Saharan African Grasslands.

2. There are 36 species of the wildcat family across the globe. The place you’d most likely find wildcats is in Africa.

3. Cheetah’s are carnivores. They eat other animals like rabbits,  antelope, warthogs, and birds. 
When they catch their prey, they will suffocate the other animal with its teeth until it’s dead.

4. Found in 23 of the 26 countries of Africa plus a small population lives in Iran
Namibia, Africa has the largest population of cheetahs.

5. Cheetahs can reach up to speeds of 70 MPH.

6. Cheetahs can reach up to 45 MPH in just TWO seconds.

7. A cheetah can cover up to 20 feet in just one stride with its powerful legs.

8. Cheetahs are built for speed with their lean bodies, long legs,and narrow heads.

9. Cheetahs have non-retractable claws with hard pads on the bottom of their paws that give them a strong grip on the ground for running.

10. Cheetahs live on African savannas and grasslands. The cheetahs black spots help them blend into the savannas.

11. Cheetahs have 2000 to 3000 spots.  That’s A LOT of spots!

12. Cheetahs have black lines known as "tears" near their eyes that run down the side of their nose that help to block the sun's bright glare. These black markings are also believed to enhance their snarl when defending their territory.

13. Cheetahs did not roar yet make chirping sounds to communicate with each other. This sounds somewhat like a bird chirp.

14. Cheetahs have good vision and can see up to three miles away.

15. Cheetahs can live seven to ten years in the wild and up to 16 years in captivity. 

16. The least aggressive of the big cats, cheetahs avoid confrontation and are not a threat to humans.

17. The black teardrop markings on their face may protect their eyes from sun glare. 

18. Throughout history, people have kept cheetahs as pets because of their gentle nature.

19. The name cheetah comes from an Indian word meaning “spotted one”.


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