Hidden User Accounts Control in Windows XP
Hidden User Accounts Control in Windows XP
You may not know it, but there is a Windows User Accounts Control in Windows XP that allows you to do so much more with your users such as:
Changing default ‘users must enter a password’
Password changes and password reset
Changing group memberships
Changing ‘Secure Logon’ settings
Advanced User Management
Worse part is that Microsoft seems to have hidden this very useful application away from its users. To get to it, create a new shortcut with the following target command:
Or enter the same command in the ‘Run’ command in the start menu. The User Accounts window will pop up allowing you to make which ever changes you like. Its quite a powerful little tool that Microsoft didn’t even bother letting you know about.
Requirements: Windows XP Professional
You may not know it, but there is a Windows User Accounts Control in Windows XP that allows you to do so much more with your users such as:
Changing default ‘users must enter a password’
Password changes and password reset
Changing group memberships
Changing ‘Secure Logon’ settings
Advanced User Management
Worse part is that Microsoft seems to have hidden this very useful application away from its users. To get to it, create a new shortcut with the following target command:
"control.exe useraccounts2" (without quote marks"")
Or enter the same command in the ‘Run’ command in the start menu. The User Accounts window will pop up allowing you to make which ever changes you like. Its quite a powerful little tool that Microsoft didn’t even bother letting you know about.
Requirements: Windows XP Professional
Vdeitructisre-1994 Kevin Islam https://wakelet.com/wake/TWdxEkwm1W3PVp_1J7e20