10 Tips for a Healthier Back

10 Tips for a Healthier Back

Sitting in an office chair all day, or spending hours in a vehicle on the road, can make your back hurt. And jobs that require a lot of physical activity can also lead to back pain. If you’ve ever uttered the words, “Oh, my aching back,” you’re not alone.

Half of all working Americans have back pain each year. It’s the most common reason people miss work. And it’s the second-most common reason people visit the doctor, topped only by coughs and colds. Fortunately, most back pain isn’t caused by serious conditions. That means you can take action to get relief.

1. When you sit, make sure your feet are flat on the floor, either by adjusting the seat or using a footrest.

2. Place a rolled towel or small cushion behind you, if your chair doesn’t offer enough lower back support .

3. Take regular breaks to stand up, stretch, and move around.

4. Wear comfortable low heeled shoes.

5. Ask for help when moving heavy boxes or equipment.

6. When you do lift things, lift with your knees, pull in your stomach muscles, and keep your head down and in line with your straight back. Keep the object close to your body. Do not twist when lifting.

7. Sleep on your side to reduce any curve in your spine. Always sleep on a firm surface.

8. Eat nutritious foods. And lose weight if you need to. Excess weight around the waistline can strain lower back muscles.

9. If you smoke, quit. Smoking reduces blood flow to the lower spine and causes the spinal discs to degenerate.

10. Try yoga or stretching. This can help strengthen your back muscles and improve your posture.


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