Mercury Facts

Mercury  Facts
1. Mercury has no water
2. Mercury is covered with craters
3. No moons orbit Mercury
4. Mercury has the shortest year (88 Earth days)
5. Mercury is burning hot on the sunny side and freezing on the dark side
6. Scientists speculate that there may be ice on Mercury.
7. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.
8. You can see Mercury with your eyes but only right after dusk or right before sunrise.
9. It takes about 88 (Earth) days for Mercury to orbit the Sun.
10. Mercury is not the warmest planet.
11. Mercury is mostly made of iron.
12. Mercury has many craters.
13. Mercury is a dense planet.
14. Scientists used to believe that Mercury’s day was the same length as its year.
15. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun


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