Facts About Motorbike Frog

Facts About Motorbike Frog
Source:  "Litoria moorei juvenile" by Chid Gilovitz - Flickr. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Litoria_moorei_juvenile.JPG#/media/File:Litoria_moorei_juvenile.JPG

1. The Growling Grass Frog is an endangered species. It is one of the largest frog species in Australia, growing up to 100 mm in length.

2. A large, powerfully built frog with relatively long hind limbs. Back colour is extremely variable ranging from green with gold mottling to an almost uniform dark brown. The belly is a pale green to light brown. The ends of the fingers and toes have two obvious discs and the toes are partially webbed. Length up to 75 mm. Males have black `nuptial' pads on outer surface of thumbs during the breeding season.

3. Often found foraging far from water and sometimes perching in low vegetation. Probably eats a wide variety of flying and terrestrial insects and other invertebrates, Often seen feeding on smaller frogs, including the young of own species.

4. A large number of eggs are laid in clumps attached to floating or slightly submerged vegetation.  Eggs are held together by a transparent `jelly'

5. Although sometimes referred to as a `Tree Frog', this species is primarily terrestrial or ground-dwelling. However, it is also a capable climber and can be found in low trees or shrubs and among rocks.Motorbike Frogs are often found considerable distances away from known wetland breeding sites and are probably the most commonly encountered frog in suburban gardens.

6. The natural predators of this frog include water birds,Oblong Tortoises and Tiger Snakes.

7. This frog gets its name from its call which sounds a lot like a motorbike changing gears.  Call does not carry any great distance.


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