Top Twenty Tips Life Success and Happiness

Top Twenty Tips Life Success and Happiness

Do you want to move ahead in your life, career, relationships, confidence, health or personal happiness? Typically it’s a lack of self-belief, focus and action caused by a whole host of thoughts, fears and ideas that hold you back from the happiness and fulfillment you seek. It’s is no surprise because from infancy we’re all bombarded with all sorts of ideas and beliefs (conditioning) about who you should be, how you should look, what you should own and all sorts of other nonsense.  The good news is that some simple steps will help build the vision, belief and action the keys to unlock greater success and happiness: 

Top twenty tips 
1.  Be yourself, no-one else (this is one the greatest keys to happiness).

2.  Appreciate who you truly are (remember you’re the magic, rich, whole spirit beneath the ideas and fears you’ve been handed by society).

3.  Take responsibility for your life / actions from now (let others do the same)

4.  Focus on your life don’t be sidetracked by those of others, celebrities or the characters in whatever TV show others may be hooked on!

5.  Let go of negative relationships and build positive ones. Be kind to yourself and supportive of others.

6.  Stop thinking about what you don’t want in life and start acting on what you do want (this is one of the key traits of happy and fulfilled people).

7.  Write down all your personal and professional qualities, strengths and achievements -keep them in mind and always work from your strengths.

8.  Find a quiet space. Take 15 minutes to imagine / picture / think about where you’d like to be in your life, career, relationships, health and interests in three years time. Make it as specific and detailed as you can. Now jot down what steps you’d need to take to achieve them. Include all the skills, talents, resources and support you have now and all those that you’d need to seek out or develop.

9.  List the 3 people who inspire you most and 3 qualities you admire in each of them. Now write down all the ways you share their qualities/ values. Finally write down what 3 pieces of advice each of your 3 people would give you to help you move ahead in your life.

10.  Spend quality quiet time with yourself every day and live one day at a time. Move toward your goals at your own pace.  Be flexible, trust your instincts and learn from success and setbacks in equal measure. Flowers grow by both sun and rain.

11. Make happiness a priority.  If happiness is not at the top of your list then other  things will take precedence.  If other things take precedence, they may well interfere with your efforts to feel good.

12. Play and have fun. Don’t take life too seriously. Although we all have responsibilities there’s no reason why we can’t approach much of our lives in a playful manner.  In fact, those who do so will undoubtedly be happier.

13. Identify where your strengths lie.  Know where your faults and weaknesses are to avoid problems.  Know where your strengths lie to be really happy and to succeed in life.

14. Utilise your strengths. Although we all can and should endeavour to improve in areas in which we’re weak there’s just as much, if not more, to be gained from focusing on the maximal utilisation of your strengths (including all your positive qualities and attributes).

15. Be curious. Constantly search for new ways to be happy.  Keep a look out for new ways to approach life and to have fun.

16. Be grateful and appreciate what you have. We all have many choices in life one of which is whether to focus on all the things we don’t have (of which there might be many), or to focus on all the things we do have. There’s no doubt, that gratitude and appreciation will significantly increase your chances of experiencing happiness.

17. Invest time and energy in to your key relationships. Happy people spend more time working on and in their relationships. Happy people tend to be more supportive of other people in their life. Happy people are more generous and altruistic.

18. Weed out unhelpful thoughts. The Dalai Lama has been quoted saying that “The central method for achieving a happier life is to train your mind in a daily practice that weakens negative attitudes and strengthens positive ones.” Learn first to identify your thoughts and then begin to challenge those that are negative and unhelpful.

19. Live a healthy life. Eat well and keep active. Exercise regularly. Although not impossible, it’s difficult to be happy if you’re constantly sick and not very healthy.

20. Live in the present moment. The author, Henry Miller once said  “Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognise it as such.” The only moment in which we can truly be happy is the present moment. The only moment over which we have control is the present moment. So be happy now!  Because if not now, then when? .

Above all:  Remember whatever you do, ‘happiness is who you are within not that you are without’. You are already whole and full of potential. This is the birthplace of success. Your value is innate – not dependent on what you achieve. Enjoy your life.


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