The genus is native to the American tropics, where it is one of the most recognizable components of the rainforest. The genus is named after Cecrops I, the mythical first king of Athens. The genus consists of pioneer trees in the more or less humid parts of the Neotropics, with the majority of the species being myrmecophytic.

A tropical relative of the mulberry tree that is found in the understory and lower canopy layers of the  forest, cecropia are relatively small, umbrella-shaped, quick-growing  trees that can increase six feet in height each year. They are relatively short-lived (rarely exceeding 80 years), and are eventually replaced  by other tree species that grow up beneath them and ultimately reach the canopy.

The Cecropia tree and Azteca ant relationship is one of the most conspicuous associations among all the ant-plant associations in Costa Rica. The hollow tree trunk and the production of food bodies rich in glycogen, attract the Azteca ants onto the Cecropia trees. The ants in return for this food and shelter are said to protect the trees from herbivores and prevent growing of vines. When disturbed by insects or small mammals the ants swarm out onto the trees surface to deter or kill the invader.

Cecropia trees have a hollow trunk and branches, which are divided into a series of chambers by partitions. The tree produces special structures in velvety-brown glandular patches under the leaf stems, providing nourishment for Azteca ants, which defend the leaves. Their leaves are eaten by some animals (e.g. three-toed sloths), and their seeds are eaten by howler monkeys, toucans and other birds.

1. Cecropia are sometimes called trumpet tree or guarumo. 
2. Cecropia have candelabra-like branching and hand-shaped leaves.
3. Cecropia seeds can lay dormant in the soil for decades.
4. The wood is very light and could be used for packing crates or paper pulp.
5. Azteca ants and cecropia tree have an ant-plant mutualism.  The ants get glycogen (type of food energy) from tiny egg-like packets in the tree.
6. Cecropia are fast growing trees but generally not taller than 25m.
7. Cecropia trees are pioneer species meaning they are one of the first plants back into a disturbed are.


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