"7 Destructive Habits of Highly UNsuccessful People"

"7 Destructive Habits of Highly UNsuccessful People"

1. They get "Hung" by their own "Tongue"
a. Are you thinking from lack or scarcity?
b. Disempowering thoughts turn into disempowering language.
c. When you look at an opportunity, are the first things you see roadblocks? Conversion of positive into negatives and your language reflects that.

2. They are Chronic Complainers
a. These are people who complain that the sun is hot.No matter what happens, it is always about how it could have been better.
b. Present an opportunity that something will change their life, and the response is that you are money hungry. And the very same day they will complain that they do not have enough money.

3. They are Unrationally Paranoid
a. They think that everyone and everything is against them.
b. Mistakes cause depression instead understanding the greatness of the learning process. They become discouraged easily.
c. They regard failures as catastrophes.
d. Fear runs their lives...they rather stay in their "known zone" than expand it. Thus, their comfort zones become their failure zones.

4. They are Blabber Mouths
a. They talk much more than they listen.
b. They want to be "the issue"...the star of the show.
c. When others advise them, they tend not to listen because they don't like their mistakes acknowledged...or are not so willing to grow.This type of "pride" typically keeps them broke, busted and disgusted.
d. In their mind, they are always correct.

5. They are Miserable and They are Looking for "Company"
a. In other words, they try to bring other people down to their level.
b. People who are Consistently Unsuccessful and are deciding to stay that way (either intentionally or unconsciously) envy successful people.
c. Instead of learning from successful people, or putting in the "smart" and "hard" work that successful people have put in, they find it easier to criticize, despise, spread rumors about those successful ones.
d. What could they do instead?
Think of all the habits you have that do not serve you...Now, what habits can you switch them out for? Successful people change, and work for change all the time.

6. They are "Wimps"
a. They are always seeking the "magical" instant "pill" that will relieve them of having to actually experience "Life in the Jungle" in an effort to make it their very own "Land of Paradise."
b. They would rather take the wide road to lessor rewards than the narrow road to great rewards.
c. They don't want any hardships. They simply want to get healthy wealthy and wise without "fighting" for it. If only they would fight for it they would be more likely to get the "title."

7. They Give up Easily
a. Successful people look at failures as stepping stones to success. Temporary setbacks tend to stop unsuccessful people in their tracks.
b. They jump in very excited and then their excitement falls off with a few "No's" and they lose interest when it looks so much harder.
c. Then they go search for a new opportunity that would be much "easier." But guess what? The next one isn't any easier; they typically get stuck over the same issue...themselves.So, how do you join the ranks of those who have made it to the "Land of Paradise?"
CHANGE...look at these 7 Habits and never engage in them. Look at Stephen Covey's 7 Habits, and live them. You will be incredibly successful in your life!

“7 Habits of Highly Successful People"
1. Be Proactive
2. Begin With the End in Mind
3. Put First Things First
4. Think Win/Win
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
6. Synergize
7. Sharpen the Saw 


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