"Sprains" occur when the fibrous bands or ligaments attached to the bones in a joint are torn due to overstretching or overstraining of the ligaments. Sprains bring about painful swellings and muscle spasms around the joint, along with intense pain on movement.Keep the injured area immobile as far as possible and give adequate rest to the part. Apply ice or a cloth dipped in cold water locally for twenty minutes and renew it at regular intervals till the pain decreases.

Elevation of the injured part helps control the swelling and the inflammation. 
1. Eating a lot of pineapple right after your injury speeds up the recovery and avoids undue bruising.
2. A thoroughly blended mixture of quicklime, turmeric,  garlic and honey reduces the swelling and pain of the sprained tendon and can be applied thrice daily.
3. Massage the sprained muscle slowly and gently with eucalyptus oil.
4. A thick paste of tamarind (imli) with a lot of salt in it can be applied to the affected part for quick relief in the swelling and pain.


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