Top 10 Facts About Mandarin Goby

Top 10 Facts About Mandarin Goby

Description: Blue or green scale-less body with orange wavy lines; bright red tail with blue edging.
Habitat: Indo-Pacific, Phillipines and westward to Australia.

1.  In the wild, the Mandarin Goby is a carnivore that constantly scans live rock for small crustaceans such as copepods. 
2.  They lack scales and possess a skin thick with mucus that helps them stay immune to parasitic fish diseases.  
3.  Its maximum size is four inches. 
4.  This fish is also known as Blue Mandarin Goby, Mandarin or Psychedelic Mandarin and so named for its vivid colors that evoke the robes of an Imperial Chinese ruler. 
5.  The Mandarin Goby is not goby but a member of the Dragonet subfamily of fish. 
6.  Males of the Blue Mandarin Goby may be distinguished from females by their larger size and more elongated dorsal spine that is only rarely displayed. 
7.  This fish has the most attractive or bizarre coloration of commonly kept reef fish and is one of the most likely to perish in the average reef tank. They are finicky eaters.  
8.  They are capable of “perching” themselves on their pelvic fins. 
9.  Mandarinfish are reef dwellers, preferring sheltered lagoons and inshore reefs. 
10. The Mandarin Goby is a peaceful and slow moving fish. 


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