Sea lion facts

Sea lion facts

1. Seals and sea lions beach themselves regularly to get warm and dry, and to rest before returning to the sea.Some young sea lions are left on the beach to await their mothers, who are off getting food.

2. Male sea lions reach about 8ft. and 600lbs.

3. Female sea lions reach about 6ft. and 200lbs.

4. Most pups are born in June.

5. Pups are about 2ft. and 12 to 14lbs.

6. Nursing may continue for four to eight months, although females have been observed nursing yearlings.

7. Pups begin eating fish at about two months.

8. Sea Lions probably live about 15 to 25 years.

9. Sea Lions primarily eat squid, octopus, hake, northern anchovy, opaleye and herring.

10. Adult sea lions eat the equivalent of 5% to 8% of their body weight per day.

11. A sea lion’s primary means of communication is vocalization. Mothers and pups also recognize each other by smell and sight.

12. Sea Lions are extremely gregarious and form large aggregations when on land. 

13. Individuals lie close to each other or even on top of each other.

14. Adult male sea lions have a raised forehead called the sagittal crest.

15. Hearing is one of the most important senses for a sea lion.

16. Research suggests that sea lions may listen for the echoes from their vocalizations to locate obstacles or food when they can’t see.

17. Sea Lions can swim as fast as 12 mph and can dive to depths of 750 ft.

18. Sea Lions usually stay submerged one minute or less; however, they can remain under water for up to 15 minutes.



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