Sweaters made from their Own dogs

Sweaters made from their Own dogs
Although these were made out of malted fur, I would have no problem if they had made them out of the deceased body of a dog who had died of natural courses. It does not show a lack of respect... Quite the opposite. These people don't just hoover up the fur and throw it away... They did something useful with it. Which shows a mindset that is much better than the person who buys clothes from the high street with no regard to the process of how they were manufactured. Even if their dog had died of natural courses and they made warm clothing out of it I still wouldn't object. People can't seem to grasp the idea that once a animal has died it still has many uses... Just as it had a use while it was alive (to keep the owner company and/or perform a specific task). They would much prefer to throw it in a hole in the ground and allow it to rot. In any culture than holds animals in a high regard this would be wasteful, and disrespectful to the animal.



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