Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts
1. The centre of the galaxy tastes like raspberries.

2. The name of the first human being in Norse mythology is Ask.

3. Octopuses have three hearts.

4. Kangaroos have three vaginas.

5. Three of Fidel Castro’s sons,Alexis, Alexander and Alejandro, are named after Alexander the Great.

6. The opening lines of Jerome K. Jerome’s Three Men In A Boat are: ‘There were four of us.’

7. The human heart pumps enough blood in a lifetime to fill three supertankers.

8. The word ‘time’ is the most commonly used noun in English.

9. The words written on Twitter every day would fill a 10-million-page book.

10. In 2008, a man in Ohio was arrested for having sex with a picnic table.

11. The average person walks the equivalent of three times around the world in a lifetime.

12. The first book ever printed in Oxford had a misprint on the first page: they got the date wrong.

13. For 100 years, the flag of the tropical Turks and Caicos Islands in the West Indies mistakenly featured an igloo.

14. Beyoncé Knowles is an 8th cousin, four times removed, of Gustav Mahler.

15. Shostakovich wrote his 8th Symphony in a henhouse.

15. Argentina is the 8th-largest country with the 8th-largest Jewish population.

16. In his first year at Harrow,  Winston Churchill was bottom of the whole school.

17. The Irish poet Brendan Behan became an alcoholic at the age of eight.

18. Leonardo da Vinci worked on the Mona Lisa for 15 years. By the time he died in 1519, he still didn’t consider it finished.

19. When the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911, one of the suspects was Picasso.


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