The Ten Commandments of Math

The Ten Commandments of Math 

1. Thou shalt completely read thy problem.

2. Whatsoever thou doest to one side of ye equation, do ye also to the other side.

3. Thou must use thy common sense, else thou wilt have flagpoles 9,000 feet in height, yea even fathers older than sons.

4. Thou shalt ignore the teachings of false prophets to do all work in thy head.

5. When thou knowest not, thou shalt look it up. If in thy search the solution still eludes thee, then and only then shalt thou ask thy All-Knowing teacher.

6. Thou shalt master each step before putting thy heavy foot down on the next.

7. Thy correct answer does not prove that thou hast worked thy problem correctly, lf at all. This argument convincest none, least of all, thy Teacher.

8. Thou shalt first see that thou hast copied thy problem correctly before bearing false witness that the answer book lieth.

9. Thou shalt look back even unto thy youth and remember thy algebra.

10. Thou shalt learn, speak, write, and listen correctly in the language of  mathematics, and verily, A's and B's shall follow thee even unto graduation.


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