30 Facts About Bison

30 Facts About Bison
1. Bovids are cloven-hoofed mammals belonging to the family Bovidae.

2. Bison, also known as buffalo, are very large animals with a shaggy dark brown mane.

3. They have humped shoulders and short legs that are covered with hair. They have a long tail with a furry end, called a tuft.

4. Their coat is extremely thick in order to keep them warm in cooler temperatures and in the summer months they shed to keep cool.

5. Short, black horns stick out from the bison’s massive head, just above their eyes.

6. These horns are used to defend themselves against predators.

7. Bison’s eyesight is poor, but their hearing and sense of smell is very good. In fact, a bison can smell an animal three kilometers away.

8. Male bison are called bulls and have large, square-shaped necks, while females have smaller, rounder necks and are referred to as bison cows.

9. Bison feed mainly on grass, plants and sometimes berries. Finding food in the winter isn’t a problem for the bison. They swing their large heads from side to side and push the snow away in order to find grass.

10. Despite their size, bison are very fast creatures, able to run up to 55 kilometres per hour. They are also excellent swimmers, but are so buoyant that the head, hump and tail stay above the surface of the water.

11. Bison are mostly active at night time and at dusk.

12. Bison are the fastest growing land mammal from eating grass alone.

13. They are known to have less calving problems than a normal cow.

14. They eat more species of grass than cows can and survive off less, we've even seen them eating Paramatta Grass.

15. They have a more efficient digestive system than cattle.

16. They do not overgraze and live within the means of their surrounding environments ability to sustain them.

17. They breed quicker and for longer.

18. They are a herding animal and always stay together. You know if one of them is sick, as it will keep a safe distance away from the herd so that it does not infect another member of the herd.

19. Bison meat is also better for you.

20. It is leaner than any other meat.

21. It is higher in iron, protein and vitamin B12 and lower in carbohydrates and calories.

22. Fed on grass, the meat is a nice dark red and has little marbling. It is very delicious! Much the same taste as beef, its just a little sweeter and has it's own unique flavour.

23. Bison turn to face winter winds, horses turn their back to wind.

24. Did you know that snow can fall on the bison's back and not melt?

25. Native Americans in the Great Plains worshiped the Bison and is part of their religion.

26. A group of Bison can be called; a Herd, Gang or Obstinacy.

27. The American Buffalo is not a true Buffalo. Its closest relative is the European Bison not the buffalo of Asia or Africa.

28. The image of American Bison has been as a logo or symbol for many sporting groups and companies.

29. Both America and Canada has used the Bison on coins and bank notes.

30. Canadian coins showing the Wood Bison.


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