Interesting Facts About Termites

Interesting Facts About Termites
1. Termites are little insects that are termed along with the ants. The scientific name for Termites is ISOPTERA. 

2. Termites generally feed on dead plant material which consists of: wood, leaf litter, soil or animal dung/poo.  About 10% of the approximate amount of 4,000 different species are pests that can cause serious structural damage to buildings, crops or forests. 

3. Termites are an organism that feed on and break down dead plant or animal matter, particularly in the subtropical and tropical regions and their recycling of wood and other plant matter is of considerable ecological importance. 

4. Termites live in colonies that have from several hundred to several million individuals. A colony contains nymphs (young), workers, soldiers and reproductives that are both male and female and at times, several egg-laying queen termites.

5. Termites are sometimes called "white ants" even though they are not really related to them.

6. The egg-laying termite queen lays her eggs, the termite larvae transform into termite  workers,termite soldiers or reproductive termites.

7. Termite Workers have their share of things to do such as: foraging, food storage, nest maintenance, and some defense duties in various species. Workers are the main caste in the colony for the digestion of a complex carbohydrate known as cellulose in food and are mostly found in infested wood. In all termite families except the Termiditae, there are cell micro-organisms that assist in the cellulose digestion. 

8. The Soldiers have anatomical and behavioural specializations, providing strength and armour witch can come in handy when there is an ant attack. A lot of Termite Soldiers have jaws so big that they can not feed themselves, so they are fed by workers. Termite soldiers are usually blind but in some families, they have partially functional eyes. 

9. A wide range of jaw types and heads create methods which effectively and tightly block narrow termite tunnels from entry by the ants. A tunnel-blocking Termite Soldier can usually rebuff attacks from ants. When Termite Soldiers die the rest of them are lined up and are ready to take their place in battle or fights. 

10. Termites also undergo incomplete metamorphosis.

11. A female that has flown, mated and is in the process of egg-laying is called a Termite queen and a male that has flown, mated and remains in proximity with the queen is called a Termite king. Multiple pairs in colonies are not uncommon. When the King mates it only grows a little bit and he and the queen are partners for life as opposed to male ants which die shortly after they mate. The Queen, who's abdomen swells up and prevents her from moving freely is lucky that she has her workers to assist her.

12. Termites are usually grouped according to their feeding behavior like grass-eating, dampwood, drywood and soil-feeding. 

13. All termites eat cellulose as plant fibre. Cellulose is not very easy to digest so termites mostly rely on micro-organisms in their gut to help digest them. Some termites also eat specialized types of fungi as well.The only way termites are harmful to Humans is that they can eat wood and infest a house. Termites carry no diseases or illnesses harmful to humans.

14. Termites are not beneficial to humans in any way, shape or form.

15. If termites are confronted with enemies, which are most likely to be ants ,both the soldier and worker termites take part in the defense actions. The weapon of the soldier is a spray from it's frontal gland which is ejected from a pointed nozzle at the front of the soldier termites head. The spray is like a vicious web that stops the mobility of the ants. 

16. The worker termites have no weapons but they can effectively bite their enemies or they can slow their enemies down by their bites. Not many of the termite enemies survive these encounters.

17. The most frequent predator to the termites are the ants.

18. The other predators to the termites are beetles, Plant bugs, bed bugs, true bugs, insects that feed on plants and have strong legs, spiders and flat-worms.

19. Termite workers build and keep nests safe and stable for the others to live in. nests are made using a combination of soil, mud, chewed wood commonly known as cellulose, saliva and feaces. 

20. Termite workers build and keep nests safe and stable for the others to live in. nests are made using a combination of soil, mud, chewed wood (C6H10O5) more commonly known as cellulose, saliva and feaces. 

21. Nests are usually built underground, in large pieces of timber, inside fallen trees or on top of standing trees. some species build nests above ground, they can turn into mounds. 

22. Mounds happen when an above ground nest grows more then it should have under its hidden surface. they usually called ant hills in Africa and Australia. In tropical ecosystems they can be large up to 9 meters (EXTREME HEIGHT) their usual height is 2-3 meters and looks like a large dome or cone covered in grass. Different species are identified by looking at the mound.


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