Bob Cat Facts

Bob Cat Facts
Common Names: Bobcat, Red Lynx, Bay Lynx,  Wildcat.

1. Named for their short, bobbed tail, bobcats are medium-sized cats, slightly smaller and similar in appearance to their cousin the lynx. Their coat varies in color from shades of buff or brown fur with spotted or lined markings in dark brown or black. 

2. On average, bobcats measure 17 to 23 inches in height and 25 to 41 inches in length. 

3. Males weigh approximately 16 to 28 pounds, while females typically weigh 10 to 18 pounds. The bobcat is approximately two feet tall.

4. Bobcats can be found from southern Canada to northern Mexico, although they have been extirpated (can no longer be found) in some midwestern and eastern states in the United States. 

5. Unlike the larger Canada Lynx, which they resemble, Bobcats are often highly adaptable to human caused changes in environmental conditions; some biologists believe that there are more bobcats in the United States today than in colonial times. They have vanished from parts of the midwest where most suitable habitat has been replaced by cultivated fields.

6. While rabbits are the staple of their diet, bobcats are also known to eat rodents, birds, bats and even adult deer (usually killed during the winter months). 

7. Bobcats are excellent hunters, stalking prey with stealth and patience, then capturing their meal with one great leap. They are typically solitary and territorial animals. 

8. Females never share territory with each other, however, male territories tend to overlap. Territories are established with scent marking and range approximately 25 to 30 square miles for males and about five square miles for females.

9. The bobcat has nice fur.  People hunt bobcat for their fur to hang on a wall or to make jackets, boots, earmuffs and gloves.

10. They look kind of like lynx and they are in the same family. They have different ears and smaller tails than lynx.

11. They are small animals and the male is bigger than the female.

12. If bobcats are cornered they will not back down and will try to keep themselves safe by using its teeth and claws.

13. The bobcat changes colors with the seasons to help camouflage. Its fur is dense and is grey in the winter, reddish brown in the summer.

14. Has little tufts of fur which help it hear just like if a person cups their hand to their ear.

15. The male will actually try to kill the young or the female, while the female tries to protect her young.


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