Amazing Facts About Peregrine Falcons

Amazing Facts About Peregrine Falcons
1. Their name comes from the Latin word Peregrinus, means "to wander" or "pilgrim".  They are commonly  referred to as the Duck Hawk.  Peregrine falcons are the fastest flying birds in the world- they are able to dive at 200 miles per hour (called a ‘stoop’).

2. The peregrine falcon is a bird of prey. 

3. Peregrines have keen vision allowing them to see small prey from far away and the ability to fly at high speed to capture them.  A system of baffles (screen-like components that change the air flow) in the nostrils assists in their breathing during these high-speed dives. 

4. Peregrine falcons are found worldwide, except for rainforests and cold dry Arctic regions. They require large open spaces for hunting and usually inhabit areas near water such as grasslands, tundra, and meadows. 

5. Many falconers prefer to use the Peregrine Falcon because of its spectacular high speed dives. Peregrines hunt most often from a high perch, diving at their prey, and catching them in mid-flight.  The Peregrine Falcon is the most deadly hunter on Earth and can fly up to 150 miles per hour.

6. The Peregrine Falcons eat starlings, pigeons, blackbirds, jays, shorebirds, water fowl, and occasionally prey on ducks. They use rapid dive to catch their prey.

7. This falcon lives in a wide variety of habitats from tropics, deserts, and maritime to the tundra and from sea levels to 12,000 feet.

8. The peregrine is perhaps best identified by the black mask of feathers that covers its face. They have dark bluish-grey heads and backs. Their throats and under parts are white, dispersed with black and brown feathers. 
9. Peregrines also have hooked bills, large feet and sharp talons to help them attack and eat their prey. The female peregrine is traditionally known as the “falcon” and like most birds is larger than the male or “tiercel.” Adult females are 46 to 54 cm long and weigh about 910 g, while males are 38 to 46 cm long and weigh about 570 g. This bird also has dark and brown eyes with a yellow eye ring.

10. Peregrines are migratory and fly long distances between their breeding and winter ranges.  Those that breed on the tundras of Alaska and Canada migrate to central Argentina and Chile, traveling along sea coasts, long lake shores, barrier islands, mountain ranges, or at sea. 

11. They use a variety of vocalizations at different stages of life, but mainly during the breeding season. Most vocalizations are between mated pairs, parents and offspring, or in defensive behaviors. Posturing communicates aggression (feathers raised and bill gaping) and submission (feathers tight to the body, head held down with the beak turned away).  

12. Courtship begins in the fall with males performing complex courtship flights for their chosen mate.  Peregrine falcons mate for life. 

13. Both parents care for the young while the young are unable to fly.
14. The young birds begin to fly at about 35-45 days of age.  As they become better at flying, the parents deliver prey by dropping them in the air.  The young then pursue the dead prey in the air.

15. Predators:  great horned owls, golden eagles, gyrfalcons, bears, wolverines, foxes  

16. The Peregrine falcon is a bird that can fly over 389 km/h (242 mph) it’s the  fastest bird in the world. That’s how fast the peregrine falcon can dive and sneak up on its prey. Peregrine falcons use their long, pointed wings and long narrow tails to make quick, powerful wing beats that allow them to travel at high speeds.

17. The two sexes also have different voices. The male peregrine’s voice is wheezy and high-pitched and the female’s voice is coarse and raspy.

18. The peregrine sits at the top of the food chain. Its diet consists primarily of other birds. The peregrine hunts larger and medium-sized prey by using its large feet to deliver fierce blows, killing its prey in mid-flight. The peregrine hunts smaller birds by snatching them up with their talons.

19. Peregrine falcons have been a favorite choice of falconers (people who train falcons to hunt other birds) because of their great agility and ability for high speed. 

20. The head has a nearly black "helmet." Like all falcons, the peregrine has long pointed wings and rapid, steady wing beats in flight.

21. Idaho's state quarter features the state raptor,Pererine falcon, an outline map of Idaho with a star indicating location of Boise, and the state motto: "Esto Perpetua" (which means perpetual).


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